Saturday, June 23, 2012

Sample videos of USB Component Capture Card HD AV Grabber

Youtube user  PteSoap  has made a sample video of HD AV Grabber:
 "All I have done is render this from 480p to 720p in Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 10.0 And captured with this link below with the software that came with it honestech 2.5"


Another sample video of PteSoap:
"I render this from 720x480 MP4 to 960x540 MP4 in Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 10.0 with some Video Event FX, it was captured with this capture card picture at top right of this video at the start I have also add the link below. I used the software that came with it honestech 2.5 and captured my video game play in MP4."

Youtube user  has made a sample video of HD AV Grabber, which is captured with free VirtualDub by using UT video codec:

The latest drivers (package 4BB):
Software (Honestech v2.5):

This capture card has inside the Empia 28285 chipset.

Introduction video of HD AV Grabber by EasycapExpertti:

Where to get HD AV Grabber:

PteSoap, Youtube, video, sample, HD AV Grabber, 720p, Sony Vegas, Movie Studio HD Platinum 10.0,
Honestech 2.5

Friday, June 22, 2012

Welcome to Bonanza Video Capture Online Store

Welcome to my new Bonanza Online Store:


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

EzCAP3104B 4 channel USB capture card on Ebay

New product on my Ebay-site:
EzCAP3104B 4 channel USB capture card, which supports both 32bit and 64bit WinXP, Vista and Win7:

EzCAP, EzCAP3104, EzCAP3104B, 4 channel, USB, capture, card, security, surveillance, 
Windows 7, 64bit